The Art Of Being Able

For me, art is personal. It is a reflection upon the artist, and the simple ability to produce art, in whatever form, is fantastic. It doesn't matter if you cannot draw perfectly, or paint in amazing detail, as long as your art reflects you and comes from you, then it is art no question.
This blog is a little gallery of my own art, which I create which reflects my mood, my life and what goes on around me.
The title of this blog "The art of being able" is to tell you all, I am not a very good drawer, painter or sculptor, in fact I really studied art... but this is my art - and it doesn't have to be good enough for anyone else.
enjoy :D

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Unknown Emotion

Not Long ago something happened to me, I came across many happy emotions all at the same time, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't find one word to describe them all. This is what this picture represents. what I am calling an "unknown Emotion" . Within this image we can see many emotions, some obvious
and some hidden. Each emotion is reflected in colours and patterns and we can see how they are blurring and almost, crashing into one another. Within the center we see a black figure, this is the person these emotions are surrounding and taking over, basically this is me. I will tell you a few of the emotions I put into this image and let you the audience think of the others, because maybe these colours and patterns could reflect on your emotions differently to mine. We have blended reds and pinks, this is love and attraction - they are heavy at the bottom when they first begin and then blend into the everyday life as they go round the image. The yellow represents mood, the good mood, that day to day things puts me in, sometimes cant be explained but we all know good moods happen. The purple, now this is a scattered colour which creates a circle almost around the figure, this represents my day to day activity, my job, the people in my life. Excitement is a key emotion in this image, not only is this shown through the motion of the colours, we can see as they build up, become more enthusiastic this is excitement building. Orange is a relief colour to me, when things are going right and i am happy, there comes a point when I can look back at my positive time and be relieved and..happy, it has happened.
but now, I am going to let you look at this image, see what happy emotions you can see...

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