The Art Of Being Able

For me, art is personal. It is a reflection upon the artist, and the simple ability to produce art, in whatever form, is fantastic. It doesn't matter if you cannot draw perfectly, or paint in amazing detail, as long as your art reflects you and comes from you, then it is art no question.
This blog is a little gallery of my own art, which I create which reflects my mood, my life and what goes on around me.
The title of this blog "The art of being able" is to tell you all, I am not a very good drawer, painter or sculptor, in fact I really studied art... but this is my art - and it doesn't have to be good enough for anyone else.
enjoy :D

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Earth Forgotten

This is a very early piece of mine, I call it Earth Forgotten. This is a reflection upon the changing seasons and beauty of nature but then, how we desecrate and destroy it. How we all take earth for advantage and how one day we will only destroy ourselves. I will point out a few factors about this image, to begin with the sun in the top right corner, no longer as bright and beautiful as once was. The grass style brush used for the main body of course reflecting on nature. This is like a Meadow, from season to season, we see bright green grass, to the spring and autumn colours. A few scattered black pieces are dead grass, linked to the black dot i shall explain soon. The large orange gash, a very dominant part of the image, this is an industrial "cut" into our world - this is us, cutting through the beauty and stamping our mark on what should be left alone. A small black dot in the bottom right area, this is poison. poison which we inflict via factories, cars and other means.
Most images of earth being ruined by man are dark, and show the sinister, but here I am remembering that its still a beautiful place to live

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